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Friday, May 25, 2012

News From Shirley Trevena

In this DVD Shirley takes you on a journey through her creative process from how to start a picture from scratch to how to decide when a painting is truly finished. She deals with the all important choice of paper and introduces you to some exciting new colours from the USA that she is currently using. DVD: 2 hours approximately.

Her latest book ‘Breaking the Rules of Watercolour’ which was published on 1st February has already gone for a reprint.
Best wishes from Shirley Trevena.

Her new DVD ‘My World of Watercolour’ is available from 30th May and can be ordered from her website NOW


  1. Konstantin, thank you for sharing this post.
    I'm going to look for that book ...
    I also discovered watercolor 25 years ago and it's been an ongoing love affair and struggle..
    I'm sure you understand what I mean..
    regards, BJ

    1. Thank you, Barbara,
      happy to be useful)
      best wishes,
